Project I.G.I-2 Mission Of Deep in the Mines

Project I.G.I-2 Mission : Deep in the Mines

After left lift, Walk straight ahead slowly then move behind the truck. Time your movement to pass behind the patrolling guard’s back and keep moving straight ahead ,after that open the rusting hatch to uncover an old vent. Head into the vent and move down to the lower cavern.

Don’t hurry up , must stay hidden throughout this objective wait until the two patrolling guards’ backs are turned and, staying crouched, move behind the shed. Use the thermal imaging device and the peek function to determine when it’s safe to move.

Now move along the left side of the train before taking a wide arc round behind the second hut.
Using the boxes for cover you should be able to get into the control room without being seen and use the computer terminal there to disable the cameras and grab the grenades from the shelf before you leave.

Wait until the guards patrolling by the vent have turned their backs. Now silently kill the lone guard by the tunnel door. Use the keypad to open the door. Quickly run back to the train and power it up to start your journey into the tunnel.

Next Keep crouched in the drivers cab, then jump into the cargo containers and lie flat. At the end of the track, get out of the carriage(where is carriage?) and head towards the vent door. Now open the door to the ventilation shaft to complete the Project I.G.I-2 Mission Deep in the Mines .

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IGI-2 Homecoming Just a free clan not an organisation to sell any content or software ,not asking any membership. Everything here just for fun and entertainment to play. IGI-2 Homecoming By GSSN and players love.


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